Support Multisite?

Home Forums Use Any Fonts Support Multisite?

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  • #7796
    Andhika Stya

    Is this plugin support multisite?


    Hi Andhika,

    Ya it can used in multi sites.


    Andhika Stya

    How to step by step to use the plugin to multisite?


    Hi Andhika,

    Please follow these steps. Hope it helps. Actually it is same like installing any other plugins in multisite.

    1. Install plugin in network admin as usual for multisite.
    2. Active for whole network if you want to use it in all sub sites. If not Go to admin of individual site and enable plugin for that site alone.
    3. After that, please go the subsite admin and you will get the Use Any Font menu in left side. (Make sure the plugin is active. Reference : Step #2)


    Blair Geddes

    We are having issues with this plugin in multi-site. We get the below error for example:

    Access to Font at ‘’ from origin ‘’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘’ is therefore not allowed access.

    We have already tried adding below to header.php file in child theme of both main domain and sub domain:

    <?php /** @package WordPress @subpackage Default_Theme **/
    header(“Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *”);

    But the error still remains. We have the plugin activated in the sub domain website only and it is not network activated. Might that be the issue?


    Hi Blair,

    Can you please keep this in your main domain htaccess file ? This should fix the cross domain issue.

    <FilesMatch "\.(ttf|otf|eot|woff|css)$">
      <IfModule mod_headers.c>
        Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"


    Blair Geddes

    Hi Dinesh,

    Many thanks. Yes, I’ve had that block of code in my .htaccess file previously, and it does work for sites that don’t have a CDN applied. So when I apply that it fixes those sites without CDN. But sites with CDN now have the below error:

    Access to Font at ‘; from origin ‘; has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘; is therefore not allowed access.

    In MaxCDN there is an option to allow cross-origin resource sharing. But then if that is enabled, and you have the above block in your .htaccess file, you get a new error saying essentially you can’t have both! Any ideas on the right combination for a solution with this setup? Maybe the solution is just putting all websites through CDN.


    Hi Blair,

    Since i haven’t used MaxCDN much, i have no much idea about it. Any chance you can ask with the MaxCDN support team ? May be they can offer some solutions.


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