Unable to Deactivate License

Home Forums WP Armour – Honeypot Anti Spam Unable to Deactivate License

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  • #503060 Reply

    Hey dear Dinesh,

    first of all thank you for making this awesome plugin! It really worked wonders for our spam problem.

    To my problem:

    We developed a clients page on a local site, where we actived the plugin. When we went live with the page WP Armour claimed to be actived but we could not download updates. On the site registers only the development page showed up, but not the live page.

    We tried to deactivate the license which did not work. On inspection it seems, that the code for the deactivation of the license is the same as for the activation. We fixed the issue for us, by calling “delete_option( ‘wpae_license_status’ );”, but we thought it would be good to know for you aswell.

    With warm regards

    #503075 Reply


    Sure. I will check this and send the fixes in the next release. Thank you so much.

    #506897 Reply
    Chris Martens GmbH

    Not yet fixed?

    Still facing the same issue, cannot assign a new license after migration from my blueprint.

    #506990 Reply

    Hi Chris,

    Can you send me your site url and license key at dnesscarkey (@) gmail (dot) com ? I will check if there is any block from our system regarding the updates within from WP Admin Dashboard.


    #507274 Reply
    Chris Martens GmbH

    Using 1.34 actually helps – I just needed to upload it manually again, and then I could deactivate or activate the license.

    I had version 1.32 before.

    Do you still need my license key?

    #507310 Reply

    Hi Chris,

    Glad it is fixed. License key is not needed.


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