WordPress is a free web based software program that anyone can use to build and maintain a website or blog .However the core features provided by wordpress limits your options to manage the information in attractive fashion.
It is no longer a bigger problem anymore. Here are some plugins that will help you design things your way and take advantages of some additional services and features.
1.Any mobile theme switcher:
This plugin enables users to switch between a mobile theme and a desktop version.Unlike many plugins available,this plugin detects all the mobile browsers. You can selects different mobile themes for your device (Iphone/Ipod,Ipad,Android,Windows mobile,Opera mini,parm Os or any other mobile browsers
Click here to download the Any Mobile Theme Switcher Plugin
2. Featured image in rss feed:
This plugin enables you to add featured image to your wordpress Rss feed.It can be boon for managing photo blogs and helpful tool for professional photography.You get to set the image size from the setting page of the plugin under Settings > Image In Rss.It can be of high utility in the field of photo journalism.
Click here to download features image in rss feed
3. .html in category and page url:
This plugin enables you to add .html in category and page url which is not a default feature with wordpress.Addition of .html gives static look to your page and category.Furthermore it can be helpful when you are translating your page and category from blogger and provide it equal weight with search engine.
Click here to download the plugin .html in category and page url
4. Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7:
This plugin adds jquery validation to your contact form 7. Thereby, you will be able to validate extra validation rules like: url, date, credit card,email validation, phone number in the contact form 7 fields.
Click here to download the Jquery Validation for contact form 7 plugin