additional elements customization (subtitles)

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    Your plug in works perfectly, but the number of cutomisable elements is still a little restricted unfortunately. Do you plan to add more items in further versions?

    I wanted to modify subtitles (they use H2 style, but I ‘d like to use Bodoni font for subtitles specifically).

    Here is a link to my website (demo)

    @font-face {
    	font-family: Bodoni;  
    	src: local('BodoniFLF-Roman'), 
    		url("Fonts/fonts/myfonts/bodoni/BodoniFLF-Roman.ttf") format('truetype');  
    	font-weight: normal;  

    I have tried to add the Bodoni font to WP, using the @fontface rule :

    I then have tried to change the subtitle of a page header

    .page-header .subtitle {
        margin-bottom: 20px;
        color: #1d1d1d;
        font-size: 15px;
        line-height: 25px;
        font-style: italic;
        font-family: 'BodoniFLF-Roman';
        text-transform: none; }

    But of course, it doesn’t work.
    And would you be able to tell me what is wrong with my code? That would be very helpful, since I have nothing of a web designer. I think I’d then be able to manage with similar operations for other items.
    Thank you very much for your help.



    I forgot to specify that I have added the fontface rule at the beginning of the main css page of the theme. I might also be wrong with the path to the .ttf font file.



    Hi coralie,

    That’s the where our custom element section is meant for. I just checked your site url and it is not working here. It is giving Page Not Found error. Can you please send a working url ? We will check and let you know.


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