How to use Custom RegEx

Home Forums Jquery Validation for Contact Form 7 How to use Custom RegEx

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    Could you please provide one example for the below contact form7 field to accept any numbers, letters, spaces and special characters

    [textarea* textarea-1 placeholder “Your Message*”]



    When you are trying to accept numbers, letters, spaces and special. It means that you are allowing any inputs. So its required validation here.

    Just mark it as required when creating the fields from contact form 7.

    In this [textarea* textarea-1 placeholder “Your Message*”], there is * after textarea which means required validation will be used.



    Please explain me How to use below option in the above textarea field
    Custom RegEx: Validates any rules using custom javascript RegEx.
    Use dynamic class RegEx-XXX.


    If you need custom validation rules that are not provided with our plugin, then you can create your own validation rules using Custom RegEx validation. However, you should have some knowledge of RegEx. Or you can contact us if you need any help.

    Please goto Custom RegEx Validation

    From there click on Add Custom RegEx button at the top right side.

    Using the form, give reference name, add regEx and invalid message.

    Click On Save. Once saved you will get the listing.

    From the listing, you will get the Class Name. Please place the class name in your field

    That’s all. You are done.


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