Questions about my IP and login attempts in the plugin

Home Forums WP Armour – Honeypot Anti Spam Questions about my IP and login attempts in the plugin

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  • #492211
    Cheryl Dimof

    I’ve been having some login issues recently on my website. I do not think they are related to this plugin…however, it has caused me to go in and check to see what the plugin is considering “Spam.”

    I found my IP address (I am website admin) under “Spammer IP” and a bunch of my login attempts (I am logged in as admin already but my login is getting redirected so I tried logging in a bunch of times, unsuccessfully, in different browers to test) under “Spam Submissions.”

    As I had my IP whitelisted from the time I set up the plugin, I was surprised to find it under “Spammer IP” but clicked to unblock it there.

    But now I am concerned that, perhaps, it is blocking not only bots (it has been helpful with this) but also valid users.

    Also, I want to double-check that this plugin does NOT set up any redirect from wp-login.php if it thinks that someone is a spammer? The issue I’m having is that wp-login.php is redirecting to my custom login page, which then will not work if wp-login.php is redirected BUT I cannot even find where a redirect is set up like this and I have searched everywhere I can think of that a redirect would be.



    Hi Cheryl,

    Can you please send me your login form ? I will check on this and try finding the cause for it.



    Well, I seem to have the login issue fixed. I can log in now and there’s no longer the unintentional redirect — though I fortunately found a way to redirect my wp-login.php while keeping my custom login working. Thanks for your offer of help!

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