Setting up for first time

Home Forums Use Any Fonts Setting up for first time

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  • #480419
    Gabriel Kanter

    Hello, I’m currently setting this up for the first time on my website and have a few questions:

    1. Some of the new fonts (for headings etc) are showing up fine on all devices. But some (eg for body text) work only on computer and not on mobile. How do I fix this?
    2. How do I use ‘custom elements’? Eg menu items I want to display in a particular font, and button labels etc. I don’t know what to put under ‘custom elements’ for this.
    3. How do I specify what font should be used for bold italic text? I can see what to do for bold and what to do for italic, but how about for both?

    Many thanks!

    Gabriel Kanter

    (I’ve solved number #1 now!)



    You can use these custom elements.

    For buttons .wp-block-button__link

    For menu #primary-menu li a

    Hope this helps.


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